

Retirement Topics

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More in Retirement

Don’t Overlook These Crucial Parts of Your Retirement Plan

Plus, how to identify geopolitical risks in your portfolio.

5 Critical Financial Steps to Take Before You Retire

Preretirees, here’s how to ensure a smooth transition into retirement.

50 Years Later, Was Erisa Worth It?

Our analysis reveals how the landmark law has affected workers’ retirement income.

Trump Wants to End Taxes on Social Security Benefits. Who Would This Stand to Help?

Most of the benefits would flow to people who are already well-prepared for retirement.

Christine Benz: 5 Things I Learned About Retirement Planning From My New Book

When it comes to preparing for life after work, the learning never stops—not even for the experts.

Why More Target-Date Funds Are Underweighting US Stocks Today

For funds from Vanguard, Fidelity, and others, home bias has nearly vanished.

Tips to Help You Spend Less (or More) in Retirement

A change in mindset could set you on track for smarter retirement spending decisions.

5 Ways to Improve America’s Retirement Savings

A look at what’s at stake for millions of workers if the system isn’t repaired.

Should You Bother Contributing to a Pretax 401(k) or IRA?

Tax and IRA expert Ed Slott discusses how the Secure and Secure 2.0 Acts undermine the case for deferring the tax bill.

Should You Make Aftertax 401(k) Contributions?

In-plan conversions are a no-brainer for heavy savers who have access to them.

Not All Total Returns Are Created Equal

Return sequences can help performance as well as hinder it.

4 RMD Mistakes to Avoid

Knowing the pitfalls for required minimum distributions can help you avoid the excise tax.

What Interest-Rate Cuts Mean for Your Retirement Portfolio

Retirees: Here are the implications for your cash, bond, and stock investments.

Should You Take Your RMDs ‘In Kind’?

Consider this strategy if you need to take a required minimum distribution while the stock market is down.

4 Dangerous Assumptions That Could Hurt Your Retirement Plan

By the time retirement savers realize the error of their ways, it may be too late.

6 Retirement Financial Myths to Avoid

These often-repeated rules could lead retirees astray.

CITs Dethrone Mutual Funds as the Most Popular Target-Date Vehicle

Top picks for target-date CITs and what the shift means for investors.

The Big Retirement Myth

Tax and IRA expert Ed Slott says it’s a mistake to assume you’ll be in a lower tax bracket in retirement than when you were working.

Is Your Retirement Plan Missing Out on Private Equity?

Private equity can enrich defined-contribution plans, but it also comes with concerns.

What Is the Fed’s TSP Mutual Fund Window Good For?

With its $150 annual fees, for many workers, not much.

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