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The Know-Nothing Party of America 2024: A pathway to the future

The Know-Nothing Party of America 2024: A pathway to the future

The Know-Nothing Party of America 2024: A pathway to the future

PR Newswire

MANHATTAN, N.Y., Aug. 22, 2024

MANHATTAN, N.Y., Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Know-Nothing Party of America was known for its native and anti-immigrant stance in the 19th century American political landscape, before it fizzled out couple of years after it was founded. Since then, no one has ever looked on the party as being prudence nor being fiscally responsible.

SmithieForPresident 2024

But that is not only because the party's existence in those days was temporary, short and fleeting, the party never itself, held office and none of its known members ever got elected under the party's banner, so there is no way to measure them.

Now, I, Abbey Laurel-Smith, a Know-Nothing Republican candidate for President 2024, have decided the time is right to revive a native party like this true American party, for the general welfare of all. I hereby present it to all Americans today, as a reasonable political entity that is not only capable of governing, but as one that is imbued with immense potentials to craft policies that doesn't estrange nor ostracize others. 

That The Know-Nothing Party of today, is better suited to the business of immigration as well as knowing how best to tackle problems we have at the southern border in America of today is at best, true and fundamental to its revival. 

That The Know-Nothing Party of today will - as part of infrastructure update, bring up our laws, our rules and our regulations to par with technology, with AI and with our constantly changing life conditions, is at best true and all-important.

That is why we are a pathway to the future. As an alternative platform at the ballot this general election, we are open and welcoming to those Republicans voters who harbor reservations about voting for Trump, as well as to those Democrats who resent the way Kamala Harris was hand picked and anointed to the first office instead of being selected by voters. 

This confirms that we are at a time when all the major political parties in the country have a more insular view of things. We have seen how poor quality of debates on energy, on education, on farming, on trade, on job creation, on inflation, on natural resources, and on environment, have been between the Republicans, the Democrats, the Greens and the Libertarians. 

They are saying the same things over and over again because as major parties, they've grown to rely more on finances from private equities rather than the public. At The Know-Nothings, we will not allow private interests to gain over public interests. That's why we are making a comeback into the American political scene today. 

Henry Clay, the United States Rep from Kentucky and Speaker of the House said in 1815, "nothing could be more hostile to the common American sense than bending to the will of a few and a foreign foe". This simple statement sums up our current approach to all things as well as our stance on climate change - as decreed by the fashionable Paris agreement.

At The Know-Nothing Party of America, we'd rather use climate change to define America's future through economic security and through adaptive material technology.

Our plan of action might come across as native, local, pedestrian and thrifty but it works.

For example, everywhere you look in America today, we have local departments like the Police departments, transport departments, waste disposal departments, fire departments, EMS and healthcare services departments, plus our joint combined armed services. 

These departments train drivers to drive and operate different equipments. The armed services train troops to shoot bullets at ranges and other types of weapons. And other departments - who had very little to do with weapons, handle one form of toxic waste or the other. 

Point here is, whenever these departments drive on our with gas, dispose off garbages, shoot at ranges or drive on training grounds, these local operators are one of the biggest contributors to things that are bringing about the climate changes we are seeing today.

Drivers off-road and on-road, release fumes into the air and leave tread-marks on lands that could be used for agriculture. Bullet casings and chemical contaminants seeps down to destroy underground water beds. Free range animals feed on polluted grass, and like fish, they drink water from streams that has been directly or indirectly exposed to contaminants.

With departments like these in mind, a Know-Nothing candidate's way of tackling climate change with be to start from home. We have the bioengineering and biotech know how. Therefore it make sense to furnish our military with green bio degradable bullets, eco friendly weapons and missiles plus environmentally friendly artillery shells of all types. 

It is better for known contaminated farmlands all over the country to be regenerated and put back to life by planting eatable regenerative seeds on farmlands destroyed as a result of coal mining and reckless deforestation.

Green, biodegradable drugs are not only eco friendly, they are sustainable, cheaper and good for human consumption. They decompose faster in our waterways when excreted by humans, and are less dangerous - as residues in nature, that animals, plants and many insects feed and thrive upon.

These sums up The Know-Nothing way. I'd rather spend money on making changes at home and at local government levels than continue wasting billions of dollars on things prescribed by the Paris agreement.

I Know-Nothing outside the fact that we are the way to America's future.

Follow my campaign, donate if you can, and help spread the word about The Know-Nothing Party of America and this paternal conservative running for President, United States, 2024.

Abbey S Laurel-Smith @The47thPOTUS_

SmithieForPresident 2024

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SOURCE The Know-Nothing Party of America (SmithieForPresident 2024)

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