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Why Do People Hire Their Financial Advisors?

Understanding the motivations behind why investors hire their advisors is invaluable

Why do people hire financial advisors?

The answer to this question is that clients hire financial advisors for numerous reasons. Specifically, clients seem to assess the value of an advisor not only based on their ability to offer financial guidance, but also for emotional support, such as assistance in making sound decisions and behavioral coaching for financial wellness.

Individuals also may hire advisors due to discomfort in handling financial matters, indicating the importance of advisors demonstrating their ability to offer both financial guidance and emotional assistance. Thus, advisors should take a holistic approach in supporting their clients beyond just getting them to their next financial stage.

Download this report now for more on how to tailor your services and improve client relationships.

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What's Inside:

  • An in-depth exploration of the emotional and financial factors influencing investors' decision to hire an advisor. 
  • Analysis of the characteristics of individuals who hire financial advisors. 

  • Insights into how advisors can best address investors' emotional and financial needs. 

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