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Readers of Morningstar magazine are decision-makers who have looked to Morningstar for investing ideas and insights since its first publication over a decade ago. Every issue is an opportunity to reach a financial advisor or an institutional investor ready to take action and each issue features a Spotlight section covering the latest investing trends.

Morningstar Magazine Readex Research

The results of our readership survey, carried out by Readex Research, found that Morningstar magazine was seen to have the most credible, in-depth, and relevant investment analysis.

Morningstar Magazine Readex Survey Results

Source: Readex Survey.

Morningstar Magazine Demographics

Type of Investment Professional

Assets Under Management (%)

Perspectives From Advisor Survey

Morningstar Magazine is one of the most comprehensive and valuable magazines I receive. It is packed with a wealth of information—nearly every article is worth reading. I spend more time reading Morningstar Magazine than I do any other publication.

Morningstar Magazine is a very valued resource. I read it cover to cover and often use its recommendations.

Source: Morningstar Advisor Survey—Advisors who read Morningstar Magazine.

Morningstar Magazine Print Ad Units

About the Magazine

Morningstar magazine is published four times a year. 59% of subscribers have been in the financial services industry for 21+ years, hold multiple designations, recommend a broad spectrum of products, and manage an average of $410 million in clients assets.

Our readers are an engaged group of highly intelligent decision-makers, actively looking to our publication for investment ideas and insights. Our award-winning editorial content, design, and investment analysis put Morningstar magazine at the top of its class.

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  • Inside Back Cover
  • Inside Front Cover Spread
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  • Sponsored Content Spread (one per issue)

*For insertion rates please contact your sales director
Source: Morningstar Advisor Survey.

Morningstar Magazine 2024 Editorial Calendar

Spotlight topics are subject to change based on availability of research.

Q1 2024

Ad close: December 1, 2023
Materials Due: December 9, 2023
Mail Date: February 12, 2024

Q2 2024

Ad Close: March 3, 2024
Materials Due: March 24, 2024
Mail Date: May 3, 2024

Q3 2024

Ad Close: June 2, 2024
Materials Due: June 23, 2024
Mail Date: August 2, 2024

Q4 2024

Ad Close: September 1, 2024
Materials Due: September 5, 2024
Mail Date: November 4, 2024

State of Retirement

Life expectancies, the performance of the stock market, changing attitudes about retirement, and skyrocketing interest rates have conspired to make retirement income a constant source of uncertainty in designing drawdown strategies for clients. In this issue, we bring together experts from within and beyond Morningstar to discuss the latest retirement-income research.

AI and the Future of Advice

Artificial intelligence is the latest tech to challenge advisors. Will it help advisors better serve their clients or will it replace them? We’ll look at the latest developments in AI and analyze what they mean to the future of advice.

New Era for U.S. Asset Managers: Moats Continue to Narrow in a More Competitive Market

In this issue, we take a deep look at the moat sources, economic moats, and moat trends of the traditional and alternative U.S.-based asset managers, digging into the organizational structures and intangibles attached to their businesses in order to better differentiate among the wide, narrow, and no-moat firms in the group. We will not only identify but rank many of the more qualitative aspects differentiating the asset managers we cover in light of the secular headwinds we expect will continue to have an impact on the industry over the near to medium term.

State of Active Investing

For the first time, assets in index mutual funds in 2022 topped assets in actively managed funds. Although expected, it was illustrative of how dramatically the tide has turned against active investing. But despite the setbacks, trillions of dollars remain in the hands of active investors. We’ll look at the state of active investing, including the conditions that favor active management, how much an active manager’s "alpha" can be explained by factor exposures, and the popularity of active ETFs.