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Special Report: Earth Week 2021

Environmental issues are altering how companies do business and where investors put their dollars. Here's how to effectively navigate the opportunities and risks.

April 22 is Earth Day. The first Earth Day in 1970 led to the eventual passage of landmark environmental laws in the United States. More recently, the Paris Agreement was signed by more than 120 countries on Earth Day 2016.

Concern about the environment isn’t just a once-per-year event, of course. Environmental issues present challenges--and opportunities--year-round. Indeed, environmental issues and sustainability initiatives continue to gain momentum and impact how companies conduct business.

As such, there is no better time than now to examine the sustainability of your investments, determine what environmental, social, and governance-related risks they face; and develop a plan to better align your investments with your values if you so choose.

In this special report, Morningstar’s specialists provide the insights, strategies, and tools to do just that. We’re digging into the climate risks facing the economy, sharing some of our best environmentally friendly investment ideas, and offering blueprints for building sustainable portfolios.

Why ESG Investing is About More Than Feeling Good Values-based investing is ultimately up to the investor.

Why Become an ESG Investor? The question is not rhetorical.

What Is Greenwashing (And What You Can Do About It) In this article, we'll show you how to quickly size up ESG risk exposure in your investments.

11 Undervalued Climate-Friendly Stocks These companies are well-positioned for a world less dependent on fossil fuels. Not All Sustainable Funds Are Equally Sustainable Morningstar's ESG metrics reveal the standout funds in the space.

How to Find the Right ESG Fund How to find a sustainable fund that addresses the issues you care about and works well in your portfolio.

Navigating an Ocean of ESG Strategies Here's a simple framework to make sense of what's available.

4 Top Notch ESG Funds These Morningstar Medalists are great building blocks for a portfolio focused on sustainable investing.

How to Build an ESG Portfolio Consider your ESG focus, goals and asset allocation, for starters.

How Can Climate-Aware Funds Fit Into Your Portfolio? Our analysis shows how these funds stack up on specific climate-related metrics.

ESG Model Portfolios for Savers and Retirees Mutual Fund Portfolios for Retirement Savers ETF Portfolios for Retirement Savers Mutual Fund Bucket Portfolios for Retirees ETF Bucket Portfolios for Retirees

Is Your Portfolio Fighting or Fueling Deforestation? It's more than just the companies running the bulldozers, and some big investors are taking action.

Map: How Countries' Stock Markets Stack Up on ESG Practices and Carbon Risk The U.S. profile is impacted both by ESG leaders like Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway and names like Facebook,, and Johnson & Johnson facing ESG risks.

ESG Doesn't Thrive in Every Market Environment Despite a subpar first quarter, the long-term case for ESG remains strong. Sustainable Funds U.S. Landscape Report Sustainalytics: 10 Investing Themes for 2021 Investing with global sustainability in mind.

ESG Investing Comes of Age How religious conviction and changing public sentiment led to the rise of investing for values and what companies have done to keep up.

What is the Morningstar ESG Commitment Level? Our new rating highlights the degree to which a fund or asset manager considers environmental, social, and governance issues.

Incorporating ESG Into Our Equity Research Process Morningstar's new approach unpacks the environmental, social and governance risks that companies face.

Hear from Sustainalytics' global network of analysts as they share their insights on climate solutions. Check out thought leadership reports, videos, blogs and more here.

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