Weekly Wrap: Portfolio Makeover Week Highlights, Cheap Stock Picks, and More

We recap the week on Morningstar.com and note the most popular stocks, funds, and exchange-traded funds.

Editor's note: Read the latest on how the coronavirus is rattling the markets and what investors can do to navigate it.

Editor's Picks Morningstar's 2020 Portfolio Makeover Week Christine Benz helps investors check their progress, assess allocations, target holes and overlap, and upgrade their holdings. Back to School? How the Coronavirus Could Shape the Future of Higher Education The pandemic has made students and families reconsider the true value of a college education. Has the Coronavirus Affected Correlation? In a globalized world, many stock markets move in sync. Is that still true during the pandemic? Looking Under the Hood at Robinhood Morningstar's Global Risk Model reveals how some of the app's most popular stocks stack up on 11 different measures of equity-related risk. 5 Cheap Stocks With Growing Dividends These heavily weighted names in the Morningstar US Dividend Growth Index are all at least 20% undervalued. You're Using Your HSA All Wrong Investing your HSA assets is really the way to maximize the tax benefits.

Portfolio Planning and Personal Finance With Christine Benz Retirees Seek Check on Their Equity-Heavy Portfolio With a low withdrawal rate, is holding more in low-returning bonds and cash an imperative? Key Takeaways From Portfolio Makeover Week 2020 Career Changer Plays Catch-Up on Retirement Savings Bumping up foreign stocks is one way to improve the return potential of a young earner's portfolio. Getting a Second Opinion on a Stock-Heavy Portfolio Standing pat with stocks has worked well for Jeff and Debra, but with retirement within the next decade, is that still the right tack? Financial Writer Takes His Portfolio's Volatility in Stride A portfolio that tilts toward gold and equities. 50-Year-Old Asks: Is It Time for More Bonds? An equity-heavy portfolio and an index-centric approach have served this couple well so far, but is it time to take some risk off the table? Retired DIY Investor: Is It Time to Delegate? This retiree loves following the market and investing in stocks, but would a simpler portfolio make more sense?

Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds Stellar Teams Take These Franklin and Pimco Funds Up a Notch Morningstar analysts rated 548 share classes and vehicles and 141 unique strategies in October 2020. Capital Gains Roundup: 2020 Edition As the year winds down, growth-fund investors are most likely to get socked with tax bills. 3 Good Funds Having a Lousy Year These Morningstar Medalists' returns are near the bottom of their categories this year. A Dramatic Reversal in the Market Those value funds you own that have annoyed you? Take a look now. Many are surging. This Fund Takes a Sensible Approach to Small-Value Stocks Despite recent hiccups, Boston Partners Small Cap Value II's deliberate approach should reward investors over a full market cycle. 2 Income-Producing Funds We Like

Stocks M&T Is One of the Best Underwriters We Cover The undervalued bank has good management and a stable franchise. Energy Stocks Surge on Positive Vaccine News But plenty of upside remains. What E&Ps Can Learn From Big Tobacco Here's a playbook for exploration and production companies to restore investor confidence.

Stock Analyst Updates Pfizer and BioNTech Report Strong COVID-19 Vaccine Data With the vaccine's efficacy over 90% and no major safety issues observed, we believe Pfizer and BioNTech's vaccine is set up for emergency use in late 2020, followed by full approval in 2021 pending supportive final data.

Rekenthaler Report How Will Stock Buybacks Affect Future Market Returns? The answer is otherwise than appears at first impression. From the Archives: Why Growth Stocks Are Winning Surprisingly, the reason relates to income inequality. Advisor Insights Is a Charitable Remainder Trust the Way to Beat SECURE Act? It might be for clients seeking to provide a life income to a middle-aged or older individual and a significant charitable gift.

The Long View Podcast Ramit Sethi: 'What Is Your Rich Life?' The author and financial expert discusses retirement and income security, debt, and the framework behind having a rich life. The Short Answer What You Need to Know About Capital Gains Distributions If you own mutual funds in a taxable account, you may find yourself with a tax bill despite not having sold a single share. The '-flations' in Finance What is inflation, deflation, disinflation, and stagflation?

Commentary Putting Infrastructure to Work in Your Portfolio The pros and cons of infrastructure funds. Finally Time for Value Stocks to Shine? As the pathway to economic normalization in 2021 becomes clear, the market has begun to favor value stocks over growth stocks.

Most Requested Stock Quotes Apple Pfizer Alibaba Group Amazon.com Microsoft

Most Requested Fund Quotes T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth Vanguard Dividend Growth Vanguard 500 Index Dodge & Cox Income Fidelity Contrafund

Most Requested ETF Quotes ARK Innovation ETF Invesco QQQ Trust SPDR S&P 500 ETF Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF

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About the Author

Carole Hodorowicz

Audience Engagement Editor
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Carole Hodorowicz is a former audience engagement editor for Morningstar.com. Focusing on the individual investor audience, she managed content, created explainer videos, and wrote articles about different topics in finance for beginners.

Hodorowicz joined Morningstar in 2015 as a customer support representative for Morningstar Office before moving into an editorial role.

Hodorowicz holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Eastern Illinois University.

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