Dana Anspach: How to Build an All-Weather Retirement Plan

A noted financial advisor shares how she helps clients manage sequence risk, high inflation, and the wild card of long-term care.

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Our guest on the podcast today is Dana Anspach. She is the founder and CEO of the financial planning firm, Sensible Money, based in Scottsdale, Arizona, and she has been practicing as a financial planner since 1995. Dana is also the author of the lecture series How to Plan for the Perfect Retirement, available on The Great Courses, and the author of the books Control Your Retirement Destiny and Social Security Sense. She has been writing as an expert on retirement-related topics since 2008, including contributions to MarketWatch and U.S. News & World Report, About.com, and The Balance. Dana is actively involved in the industry, serving on the Strategic Retirement Advisory Council for the Investments & Wealth Institute, where she helps them expand the reach of the Retirement Management Analyst, RMA, designation. She earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Florida.



Sensible Money

How to Plan for the Perfect Retirement, by Dana Anspach, The Great Courses

Control Your Retirement Destiny: Achieving Financial Security Before the Big Transition, by Dana Anspach

Social Security Sense: A Guide to Claiming Benefits for Those Age 60-70, by Dana Anspach

Retirement Spending and Current Environment

Sequence Risk’s Impact on Your Retirement Money,” by Dana Anspach, thebalancemoney.com, Oct. 20, 2021.

Well, Hello, Sequence Risk! Where’ve Ya Been?” by Jennifer Lea Reed, fa-mag.com, Oct. 1, 2022.

Jonathan Guyton: What the Crisis Means for Retirement Planning,” The Long View podcast, Morningstar.com, June 17, 2020.

3 Ways to Plan for Inflation in Retirement,” by Dana Anspach, thebalancemoney.com, April 6, 2022.

Don’t Cheat Your Retirement With the 4% Rule,” by Dana Anspach, sensiblemoney.com, Aug. 25, 2020.

The Three Phases of Retirement,” by Dana Anspach, sensiblemoney.com, June 22, 2022.

Retirement Portfolio Planning

How to Build a Retirement Portfolio That Will Stand Up Over Time,” by Dana Anspach, sensiblemoney.com, July 28, 2020.

Time Segmentation, a Smart Way to Invest Retirement Money,” by Dana Anspach, thebalancemoney.com, Jan. 31, 2022.

5 Options for Retirement Income Portfolios,” by Dana Anspach, thebalancemoney.com, Nov. 24, 2021.

How to Use Bond Ladders for Retirement Income,” by Dana Anspach, the balancemoney.com, Oct. 31, 2021.

What Is an Inflation-Protected Bond?” by Dana Anspach, thebalancemoney.com, May 22, 2022.

Comparing I Bonds to Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities,” by Dana Anspach, thebalancemoney.com, May 4, 2022.

Retirement Planning Lifestyle

3 Ways to Stress-Test Your Retirement Income Plan,” by Dana Anspach, sensiblemoney.com, Dec. 19, 2020.

Roth Conversions—When Is Enough Enough?,” by Robert Powell, thestreet.com, Dec. 22, 2021.

Delayed Retirement Credits Boost Social Security Benefits Up to 25%,” by Dana Anspach, thebalancemoney.com, March 15, 2022.

7 Smart Ways to Secure Guaranteed Retirement Income,” by Dana Anspach, thebalancemoney.com, July 30, 2022.

How to Add Annuities to Your Retirement Asset Allocation,” by Dana Anspach, thebalancemoney.com, April 25, 2022.

3 Reasons to Buy Long-Term Care Insurance,” by Dana Anspach, thebalancemoney.com, Nov. 27, 2021.

4 Alternatives to Buying Traditional Long-Term Care Insurance,” by Dana Anspach, thebalancemoney.com, June 30, 2022.

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