2022 Outlook

Rising Interest Rates. New COVID-19 variants. Inflationary pressures. Those and other factors are on the minds of investors as we head into 2022. Will the new year be one of prosperity, or is it time to fortify your defenses? The truth is that it’s nearly impossible to know. And that’s why we at Morningstar follow a mantra of, ”Don’t predict—prepare.” In this episode, we ring in 2022 with our take on how to best prepare for what’s to come, no matter how handy you may or may not be with a crystal ball. In fact, we note that if you address the future properly, you don’t need to play soothsayer at all. It’s not about prognostication. It’s about preparation. And at the end of the hour, we hope you’ll have a clearer idea of how to be better prepared.

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