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ESG Proxy Voting: Voting Records for the Largest U.S. and European Managers

Exploring the divergence in proxy voting trends between the U.S. and Europe

In 2023, a significant divergence in proxy voting trends emerged between U.S. and European asset managers, particularly in their support for ESG shareholder resolutions and sustainability disclosures. While U.S. managers showed a decline in support, with key resolutions falling below 50%, European counterparts maintained a strong 98% backing.

This gap highlights different ESG approaches between the U.S. and Europe. U.S. firms are retreating due to concerns about the prescriptive nature of proposals, in stark contrast to European managers who consistently endorse ESG initiatives. For sustainability-minded investors, this suggests that aligning with European asset managers could better support their long-term environmental and social governance goals.

Download this report now to learn about the key ESG proxy voting trends among the largest U.S. and European managers.

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What's Inside:

  • Detailed analysis of asset manager voting records 
  • Comparison between U.S. and European managers' support for key ESG resolutions 

  • Insight into the future trends in ESG resolutions in 2024

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