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Understanding ESG Risk Ratings in the Consumer Packaged Goods Industry

How We See The Impact of Single-Use Plastic in CPG Industry

As consumer preferences increasingly lean towards sustainability, it has become vital for CPG companies to adapt, innovate, and align their practices accordingly. The CPG industry, being the largest user of single-use plastic, faces significant environmental challenges. However, it's also a sector ripe with opportunities for companies willing to take proactive steps towards sustainable practices.

With packaged products representing the single highest use for plastic, with demand for such unlikely to falter, there is reason for concern. Tightened regulations and increased public scrutiny, along with the growing awareness regarding plastic pollution, have put immense pressure on CPG companies to take action.

Despite the significant hurdles, industry-wide cooperation and robust climate policies are crucial for achieving net-zero targets and maintaining consumer and investor trust. As CPG firms tackle the transition to net zero, they encounter an increased demand for sustainable products, as well as emission reduction costs, requiring a delicate balance between sustainability initiatives and other essential investments.

Read more about the environmental impacts, sustainability trends, and consumer behaviors shaping the future of the CPG sector in the full report.

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What's Inside:

  • A concentration on packaging waste and plastic recycling environmental challenges 
  • How sustainable-focused consumers further the ‘value-added gap’ 
  • Which stock picks we choose for undervalued CPG companies

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