Enhancing the Investor Experience
We're crafting experiences that bring trusted, relevant information to more investors
How we illuminate investing through

We’re independent thinkers.
Details matter when it comes to investment decisions. That’s why our fiercely independent analysts ask the tough questions. We look at investments with unshakeable standards, and we call it like we see it.
We’re driven to deliver high-quality data.
Comprehensive and timely data fuels our research. Our global database is one of the largest, but the real power is in the standards we apply to ensuring its quality.
We simplify complexity.
People don’t just want financial information—they need to be able to understand it. We use elegant design to communicate complicated ideas.
We’re building a brighter future for investors.
We tirelessly pursue new ways to combine our data and research with design and technology to help solve investors’ problems. Our solutions pave the way for investors to reach their goals with confidence.