Morningstar® International Portfolios
Our Multi Asset Solution—accessible only through advisers and trustees—invests in a range of non-UK situs holdings. The aim of these portfolios is to help grow wealth by investing where, and when, it makes sense to do so. The portfolios are built for international investors wanting:
International Focus
The portfolios cater to an international client base seeking investment solutions which are accessible across different jurisdictions.
The portfolios are available in both USD and GBP denomination.
Sound Risk Management
The portfolios are risk-rated where risk is defined as “a permanent loss of capital that can’t be recovered in the investor’s timeframe”.
Cost Efficiency
Cost control is a key consideration in the construction of these portfolios; low fees enable investors to maximise returns.
Why invest in the portfolios?
The portfolios are built for growth and tax efficiency*, holding assets only that are non-UK situs whilst leveraging Morningstar’s international footprint and heritage of manager and fund ratings and selection. We use a blended approach to maximise reward for risk, using both active and passive investment vehicles to access areas of high conviction.
*Indicative asset allocations included for illustrative purposes only.
How are the portfolios managed?
Whilst minimising costs is a core principle, our focus is on creating a diversified portfolio of quality investments bought at attractive prices. This is done by undertaking comprehensive research to understand the fundamental drivers behind each opportunity. We only invest where reward is worth the risk and seek out assets which are currently overlooked by other investors.
What are the portfolios invested in?
The portfolios are comprised primarily in passive funds, but will also have exposure to active funds if there is the potential for added value within the fee structure. The portfolio invests across a range of asset classes such as equities, fixed interest, and cash—where and when it makes sense to do so.
Unlock the power of Morningstar Inc.’s Data and Research within Morningstar International Portfolios.
Morningstar Investment Management Europe Ltd has arrangements with our parent company, Morningstar Inc. providing access to their global database, one of the largest and highest quality in the world, and analysts’ ratings and research reports. Access to leading data and research, further informs the fund selection process we use in our International Portfolios.
Morningstar® International Portfolios
Our International Portfolios are built to empower investor success in each stage of their lifetime–whether they’re just starting out or in retirement. Download the USD info sheet and GBP info sheet for more information.
Latest Investment Insights - Our Investment management and support teams are ready to keep you up-to-date on our latest thinking.
Our Recent Awards

Our investment team and Morningstar Managed Portfolios have been recognised with awards from various independent bodies and the most recent of these awards are included above. Please note that past performance is not a guide to the future.
The content on this website does not constitute investment, legal, tax or other advice and is supplied for information purposes only. Morningstar Investment Management Europe Limited cannot guarantee positive results from our investment decisions, and we cannot guarantee that our portfolios will meet your objectives or that losses will be avoided in any of the portfolios. Past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of investments may go down as well as up and an investor may not get back the amount invested. The information presented herein will be deemed to be superseded by any subsequent versions of this website.
The Morningstar Investment Management group comprises Morningstar Inc.’s registered entities worldwide, including the UK. Morningstar Investment Management Europe Limited is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority to provide services to Professional clients and is the entity providing the discretionary management services. Registered in England under company number: 05732689. Registered office: 1 Oliver's Yard, 55-71 City Road, London, EC1Y 1HQ. Morningstar’s fund research and rating activities are not undertaken by Morningstar Investment Management Europe and as such, are not regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. Morningstar Managed Portfolios are intended for citizens or legal residents of the United Kingdom. These portfolios can only be made available through the use of an Investment Adviser appropriately authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
For information about the Morningstar Investment Management Europe Limited Complaints Handling Process, please click here.
For Morningstar Managed Portfolios Value for Money Assessment, please click here
For Morningstar Managed Portfolios Target Market, please click here