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7 November 2024 | 1:30 PM - 4:10 PM

Panel: A Spotlight on Governance in ESG

Investors are increasingly turning their attention to investee companies’ governance of sustainability issues. Climate remains center stage, but wider issues such as human rights, employee and stakeholder engagement, and responsible use of technology are becoming more prominent. This has raised key questions over who on the board should hold responsibility for such issues, how governance of sustainability links to the overall corporate strategy, and how to respond to changing investor preferences on how to signal accountability. Our panel will discuss what’s current and what’s changing in these areas. 


· Board oversight of sustainability, link to financial performance, stakeholder management solutions) 

· Specialist climate expertise vs whole of board competence (Anya to help with LCTR metrics)

· Accountability: Votes against management vs support for Say-on-Climate votes / Shareholder proposals


Head of Corporate Governance

Alia Fazal

Head of Corporate Governance
BP plc
Global Head of ESG

Jessica Ground

Global Head of ESG
Capital Group
Global Policy Director

Severine Neervoort

Global Policy Director
International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)
Director of Stewardship Research and Policy

Lindsey Stewart

Director of Stewardship Research and Policy
Morningstar Sustainalytics