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8 November 2024 | 10:10 AM - 11:00 AM

Panel: Digging Deeper into Human Rights and Investment

This panel follows on from the previous presentation to dig deeper into some key thematic human rights issues. Speakers will provide insights and case studies from their own perspectives and experience, highlighting best practice on, as well as challenges to, investor respect of human rights in the context of the key themes. 


Head of Sustainable Investing Research

Hortense Bioy

Head of Sustainable Investing Research
Morningstar Sustainalytics
Social Engagement Cluster Lead

Danielle Essink

Social Engagement Cluster Lead
Head of Human Rights and Conflict Zones

Dr Shavana Haythornthwaite

Head of Human Rights and Conflict Zones
Morningstar Sustainalytics
Director of Industry Programmes

Amol Mehra

Director of Industry Programmes
Laudes Foundation