4 Charts on Apple's $3 Trillion Market Cap

As Apple nears this milestone, what does it look like to be a $3 trillion stock?

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A version of this article was published on Dec. 10, 2021.

Apple AAPL just became the first company to reach a stock market valuation of $3 trillion after shares briefly hit a new high of $182.88 per share. The iPhone maker closed below the $3 trillion market cap, at $182.01 per share, after 2022's first trading day.

To put 3 trillion into context:

  • Three trillion pounds is about equal to the weight of all the apples (fruit, that is) produced in the United States in 2021--times 300.
  • Three trillion iPhone 13s have enough surface area to cover the U.S. nearly 200 times.
  • Three trillion pennies can bridge the average distance between Earth and Mars 49 times when stacked on top of each other.
  • Three trillion U.S. bills lined up could reach the sun 3 times over.
  • It would take 373,599 years for the average human to breathe 3 trillion times.

Apple's stock has been on an upward climb for the past decade. In August 2012, it became the largest company--by market capitalization--in both the U.S. and the entire world. Market cap is the price of a stock multiplied by its total number of shares outstanding.

However, Apple's stock faces some headwinds in the future, as Morningstar sector strategist Abhinav Davuluri outlines in bull and bear cases for the company here.

But for now, Apple's road to $3 trillion comes to an end. The company has far outperformed the rest of the stock market for years.

Apple is currently the largest company in the world, and it has kept its spot among the five largest U.S. companies for the past 12 years. In previous years, Apple and the rest of the fast-growing FAANG stocks (Facebook/Meta FB, Apple, Amazon.com AMZN, Netflix NFLX, and Google/Alphabet GOOG) have made a disproportionately high impact on the rest of the market, though 2021 saw the trend begin to fizzle. And Tesla's TSLA market influence has grown as the company's market cap increases.

Comparisons with fruit production and trips to Mars aside, Apple's size is massive even when measured against global stock markets. Apple's current market cap is greater than the market caps of entire countries. All public companies that operate in Canada, for example, added up to a total market cap of $2.64 trillion as of year-end 2020, $360 billion less than Apple.

China's onshore market is the second-largest stock market in the world--worth nearly $12.5 trillion. Apple's market cap is worth nearly a fourth of that.

At $3 trillion, Apple's market cap is equal to 14.4% of the U.S.' total 2020 gross domestic product.

How Dominant Is Apple Within the U.S. Market?

Apple makes up almost 22% of all U.S.-domiciled technology companies' total market capitalization. The company's worth is larger than the entire U.S. real estate, energy, utilities, and basic-materials sectors.

Within the Morningstar US Market Index, starting with the smallest of the 1,602 companies in the benchmark, it would take 776 companies combined to rival Apple in size.

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About the Authors

Jakir Hossain

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Jakir Hossain is a former data journalist for Morningstar. He covered stock trends and news for the markets team.

Before joining Morningstar's editorial team in 2021, Hossain worked as a senior financial product specialist for Morningstar Office.

Hossain holds a bachelor's degree in sociology from Bard College.

Lauren Solberg

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Lauren Solberg is an editorial manager for Morningstar.

As a data journalist, she covered market trends and economics for Morningstar.com. Before joining in 2020, Solberg helped build a music education startup. She holds a bachelor's degree in economics and Spanish from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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