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Morningstar Wealth Platform is an advisory platform offered by Morningstar Investment Services LLC, a registered investment adviser and subsidiary of Morningstar Investment Management LLC. Through the Morningstar Wealth Platform, Morningstar Investment Services offers model portfolios and separately managed accounts (“SMA”) which include proprietary managed portfolios (“Morningstar Portfolios”), third-party asset manager portfolios where a third-party asset manager acts as a non-discretionary model provider (“Model Provider”) in which Morningstar Investment Services has discretion, and third-party asset manager portfolios where third-party asset manager acts as a discretionary asset manager (“Sub-Adviser”). The Morningstar Wealth Platform is intended for citizens or legal residents of the United States or its territories and can only be offered by a registered investment adviser or investment adviser representative.
Morningstar Retirement offers research- and technology-driven products and services to individuals, workplace retirement plans, and other industry players. Associated advisory services are provided by Morningstar Investment Management LLC, a registered investment adviser and subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. Morningstar Managed Accounts and Advice is offered by Morningstar Investment Management LLC, and is intended for citizens or legal residents of the United States or its territories. Investment advice generated by Morningstar Managed Accounts and Advice is based on information provided and limited to the investment options available in the defined contribution plan. Projections and other information regarding the likelihood of various retirement income and/or investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual results, and are not guarantees of future results. Results may vary with each use and over time.
Morningstar® Plan AdvantageSM is offered by Morningstar Investment Management LLC and is intended for financial professionals working with, or sponsors of, retirement plans subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (“ERISA”), unless exempt therefrom, or other state or federal laws governing retirement plans.
Morningstar Investment Management LLC and Morningstar Investment Services LLC, both U.S. registered investment advisers and subsidiaries of Morningstar, Inc. Globally, other affiliates or subsidiaries can provide consulting or investment advisory services in Europe, Asia, and Australia. With the global presence of Morningstar Inc., we can help create solutions for client challenges that arise in almost any market.
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