Explore data-driven investing with Interactive Research
Perform complex investment analysis faster than ever before.
Powered by Analytics Lab, Interactive Research contains prebuilt live code and doesn’t require Python skills. This versatile tool in Morningstar Direct lets you filter, sort, and query the data from our analyst insights.

Dig inside our investment research
Look behind the scenes of our latest insights. Interactive Research lets you use the same analytics as our analysts, so you can see the source of our insights and how they hold up over time.

Simplify workflows
Interactive Research is tailored to the tasks you have to do every day, saving you time. This new technological power allows us to deliver more analytics to you, faster than ever before. From manager research to portfolio optimization, our library covers a variety of workflows intended to help you get your job done at the click of a button.

Get easy access to deeper analysis
Interactive Research is always at your fingertips with easy access points woven throughout Direct. Whether you know how to code or not, you can analyze a library of Interactive Research from our analysts and research teams.