Seamless Access
Get seamless access to Morningstar data and centralize the tasks most critical to portfolio managers, product developers, marketers, analysts, and researchers.
Morningstar Direct is a comprehensive application that helps asset and wealth managers build their assets and manage their portfolios by supporting market research, product creation, positioning, marketing, and distribution strategies.
Get seamless access to Morningstar data and centralize the tasks most critical to portfolio managers, product developers, marketers, analysts, and researchers.
Combine your proprietary data with ours, then use our methodologies to create customized results and tell your story on your terms.
Choose the foundational and contextual data you need, whether it’s one dataset or 100.
Receive data in the format you need, be it a data feed, a report, or raw code.
Create, edit, and analyze portfolios quickly and efficiently using a clear, intuitive interface.
Empower investor success with independent, comprehensive, and timely data delivered how you want, when you want it, in a format you can use.
Use Morningstar data and analytics to distill complex investment information into clear, custom-branded reports, product comparisons, and presentations.
Run customized, strategy-aligned investment report templates anytime, anywhere.
Powered by Analytics Lab, our interactive research contains live code and doesn’t require Python skills to use.
Investigate Morningstar data more deeply than ever to discover new opportunities for investing success.
Get seamless access to Morningstar data and the flexibility to use it in your favorite coding environments with the morningstar_data Python package.
If you already have your login credentials but haven’t installed Direct yet, what are you waiting for? Get the latest version from our download page.
The best way to understand how Direct can help your business is by exploring it firsthand. Start a free trial today to discover the possibilities.
Our learning portal is filled with resources and virtual workshops designed to help users unlock the full potential of Direct. Whether you’re a newcomer or a power user, the portal’s got something for you.
See how Morningstar Direct elevates the investment process across the globe.
Découvrez comment Morningstar Direct améliore le processus d'investissement dans le monde entier.
Überzeugen Sie sich, wie Morningstar Direct den Anlageprozess weltweit verbessert.