The Value of Personalization For Your Clients’ Portfolios
What does the potential of personalized investing and custom stock portfolios look like?
Recent technological advancements and the utilization of big data have facilitated widespread personalized investment opportunities in personal finance and investing. Investors now anticipate tailored experiences from financial services, leading to an array of personalization choices. This research explores investors' views on portfolio customization, highlighting that the primary value they attach to customization is its goal-centric nature.
Investors mainly prioritize meeting their financial goals through personalized portfolios, with less emphasis on nonfinancial factors. A gap in knowledge exists among investors concerning the significance of features like fee reduction and tax-loss harvesting, which can notably influence financial outcomes. Ultimately, investors value personalization as a tool or a means to reach their financial goals.
Download this report now for more on the value and role of personalization in personal finance and investing.
What's Inside:
What's Inside:
- A comprehensive exploration of the concept of personalized investing.
Detailed findings on how investors perceive and value different aspects of portfolio personalization.
Actionable insights for financial advisors to effectively leverage portfolio personalization for their clients.