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Guide to transitioning to Sustainable Equity Portfolios

What options do Investors have for switching to ESG-minded portfolios while avoiding major risks?

A common myth is that sustainable investing comes at the expense of financial returns. Although convincingly debunked, it may still concern investors and prevent them from transitioning their portfolio to include more sustainable options. This report aims to address concerns over the portfolio construction implications of replacing conventional investments with sustainable options.

Download for an in-depth examination of the potential biases that may arise when adopting sustainable strategies. By exploring factors such as sector, regional, size, and style within four core equity categories, it provides invaluable insights to help you navigate this shift successfully. Additionally, it sheds light on the opportunities available in Europe and Asia for investors looking to switch without significantly altering their portfolio exposures.

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What's Inside:

  • Detailed comparison of conventional and sustainable strategies across four core equity categories. 
  • Analysis of the growth bias in both active and passive sustainable strategies. 
  • Comprehensive exploration of the regional allocation and construction implications of sustainable strategies. 

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