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A 3-Step Guide to Showcase your Value with a SMART Goals-Based Investment Plan

Investment plans are more than just a numbers game.

In the realm of financial planning, clients often grapple with forming tangible, specific goals. They may fall back on heard phrases like "saving for retirement" or "buying a house", or respond with ideas they believe sound prudent or responsible when under pressure. There may even be those who haven't given much thought to their financial objectives. This is where the concept of SMART goals-based planning comes into play.

As a financial consultant, your role encompasses anticipating these varied responses from your clients and guiding them to craft goals that aren't merely vague notions. Your aim should be to help them carve out a distinct route towards a long-term financial objective that aligns with their unique lifestyle requirements.

Download our guide for a three-step process to deliver value through a SMART goals-based investment plan.

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What’s Inside:

  • The role of personalization in goal setting  
  • The three steps to setting valuable goals
  • Understanding where your clients are coming from

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