Estimating “The End” of Retirement
Estimating “The End” of Retirement
As PEPs Come of Age, What Can Their Forebearers Tell Us About How They Will Work? Pooled Employer Plans (PEPs) are a new variety of an existing structure for retirement plans: Multiple-Employer Plans (MEPs). PEPs have the potential to become an important tool for improving our retirement systems’ coverage and adequacy, particularly for small employers that lack the resources to provide a single-employer plan. In this paper, we take a retrospective look at the challenges and successes of MEPs to support regulators and industry professionals in making PEPs successful.

What's Inside
What's Inside
- Various factors relating to how to “estimate” the end of retirement in a financial plan
- The accuracy of objective and subjective life expectancy estimates
- The financial implications of over or underestimating life expectancy