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Moats and Motors: Navigating the US Auto Dealer Industry

How we evaluate insights into the landscape of the auto dealer industry

The US auto dealer industry in 2024 is experiencing significant consolidation, with major players expanding their influence through strategic acquisitions and integration. Despite a recovery in vehicle sales, chip shortages continue to impact pricing and profitability, pushing dealerships to adjust their strategies accordingly.

Digital sales channels have become more attractive to public dealers. They recognize that in-person buying is often uncomfortable for consumers. Online sales allow the dealer to collect data and offer a far easier buying process. Hybrid vehicles have gained significant market share this year, but a rebound for battery electric vehicles seems likely once affordability improves and battery costs come down. In general, further electric vehicle penetration seems inevitable.

Download the report to explore more on the importance of competitive edges in this evolving market landscape.

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What's Inside:

  • US Auto Dealers sector analysis, including market share and consolidation
  • How challenges like used vehicle and chip shortages have an impact on auto dealers
  • An overview of dealership financial performance, EV impact, and digital transformation

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