Manually added holdings vs. linked accounts

Find the best option for tracking your holdings based on your goals.

Depending upon how deeply you want to analyze your portfolio, you can manually add holdings yourself or link an account from a financial institution.

Manually added holdings

If you prefer deep analysis of your holdings, you may wish to manually enter them. When you manually enter your holdings, you can: 

  • Monitor performance
  • Track gain/loss analysis in the Holdings tab
  • Capture transactional information
  • Control how the cost basis of each holding is recorded
  • Unlock the performance charting tool

Learn how to manually add your holdings

Linked accounts

If you’re interested in light portfolio tracking, linking your account(s) from a financial institution lets you view your current balance and review your overall asset allocation. The cost basis for your holdings is not included when you link accounts, so portfolio-level performance will not appear. Learn how to link an account.

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  • Link an account

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