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U.K. Sustainability Disclosure Requirements: An early analysis

At the end of 2023, the UK's FCA unveiled its long-awaited Sustainability Disclosure Requirements and investment labels regime for investment products. The SDR policy statement includes a package of measures aimed at improving the trust in, and transparency of, sustainable investment products and minimizing greenwashing.

Learn more about the four labels "Sustainability Focus", "Sustainability Mixed Goals", "Sustainability Improvers", and "Sustainability Impact”, and early insights into what the landscape of UK sustainability-labelled funds may look like. Our analysis is based on conversations with a selection of assets managers and our data and knowledge of the UK fund market.

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U.K. Sustainability Disclosure Requirements: An early analysis

What's Inside

  • Why SDRs are important for asset managers 
  • An analysis of the four consumer-focused sustainability labels 
  • The benefits and reasons of using these labels combined with other fund data 

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