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Are You Doing Enough to Build Trust With Your Clients? Check the Trust To-Do List

How do you define trust?


It’s easy to say things like “I want to work with someone I trust,” or “I need someone trustworthy to handle my investments.” But sometimes we can use a word so often that we don’t think about what it really means when we seek it.

For people seeking assistance from financial advisors, it turns out that the required trust is multi-faceted:

  • Communication – “Are they telling me everything important in a way I can understand?”
  • Personalization – “Is this plan going to work for me, or is it the same one they use for everyone?”
  • Expertise – “How much experience and knowledge do they have to back up their promises?”
  • Shared Values – “Can they advise me as if it were them making the decisions?”
  • Concern – “Are they able to consider emotional factors in financial decisions to make the best choices?”
  • Integrity – “Are they acting in my best interest and treating me with respect and fairness?”

In today's fast-paced world, trusted relationships between financial advisors and their clients are more important than ever. With the diverse array of financial products and services available, clients need to have confidence in their advisors to help them make informed decisions about their money.

Here’s a building trust to-do list to help you actively build and maintain trust for your current and prospective clients and be the best resource possible for their financial goals.

The Client Trust To-Do List

No beating around the bush: here’s the checklist:

  • Technology: Audit your in-use technology systems, then update them for maximum efficiency
  • Feedback: Reach out to your current clients for feedback on their experience with you
  • Resources: Identify where to get real-time market research to support your financial advice and stay on top of industry changes and trends
  • Refine: Use this information to refine how you approach prospective customers – and regularly iterate

What needs to change with your technology?

To acquire and keep clients, you must be knowledgeable, communicative, transparent, and efficient. One of the best ways for financial advisors to build trust to the point of regular client retention is by employing the right technology stack to help you.

Disruptive technology has revolutionized the financial industry in recent years, and for good reason. With advanced software and tools, advisors can provide more accurate and personalized advice to their clients. This not only helps build trust but also allows advisors to efficiently manage their client's portfolio and provide regular updates on their financial progress.

To effectively build trust, advisors must fully understand their clients' financial goals and risk tolerance. In-depth assessment surveys and investment planning can provide this crucial information, fostering a personalized and trustful client experience. And every advisor needs the right technology to accomplish this.

The bullet benefits of a robust finance tech stack are:

  • Secure communication between advisors and clients, giving clients peace of mind knowing that their sensitive information is protected by data security protocols and adherence to regulations.
  • Increased transparency and accessibility. Incorporating online platforms and mobile apps helps clients easily access their financial information at any time, making them feel more involved in the decision-making process.
  • Easing client discomfort. Research has shown that clients typically continue working with their advisor due to discomfort dealing with financial matters on their own, the high quality of financial advice received, and the availability of personalized behavioral coaching. Leveraging the right technological tools can enhance all these areas.

And the good news? There are software options today that let you do all of this from a centralized location – and even incorporate some of your existing technology systems into them.

Build a trustworthy practice on a strong foundation of feedback

Clear and effective communication is essential for building trust with clients. Financial advisors must have the skills to break down complex financial concepts in simple terms and actively listen to concerns and goals. By displaying empathy and understanding, advisors can establish a strong rapport with their clients and show that they are genuinely invested in their financial well-being.

Furthermore, regular communication is vital for maintaining trust over time. By regularly scheduling check-ins with clients, advisors can stay updated on any changes in their clients' financial situation and adjust their strategies accordingly. This shows that advisors are proactive and committed to helping their clients achieve their financial goals.

In any relationship, feedback is essential for growth and improvement. The same applies to the relationship between financial advisors and their clients. Advisors who actively seek feedback from their clients show that they value their opinions and are continuously looking for ways to improve their services.

By listening to feedback, advisors can also identify any areas of concern or misunderstandings that may be hindering the trust-building process. By addressing these issues promptly, advisors can strengthen their relationship with clients and ensure that they feel heard and respected.

Find resources for research and keep your expertise sharp

It's essential for financial advisors to have a genuine interest in their clients' success. Advising is not just about managing money; it's also about understanding and supporting clients' financial goals and aspirations. By showing that they genuinely care about their clients' well-being, advisors can build a deeper level of trust and foster long-term relationships.

Part of showing this requires a regular cadence of self-education and shared knowledge. Demonstrating expertise plays a significant role in building trust. Access to a vast research database can keep advisors updated on market trends, enabling them to offer expert advice based on top-tier data.

Educating clients about personalized financial planning and investment strategies can empower them and foster a sense of partnership. Access to extensive research can aid this process. Regular communication and feedback can be used to continually improve the advisory service.

Not only does seeking and regularly absorbing and sharing market trend data to help clients make informed choices show your value as an advisor, but it also shows that you practice transparency and are willing to make an honest effort for the best interests of your clients. Transparency is another essential element to cultivating trust.

Regular communication with clients, promptly informing them of any changes in their investment portfolio or market conditions, is critical. Advisors equipped with a centralized technology hub can create comprehensive reports and carry portfolio analytics on a mobile app, ensuring constant, transparent communication.

Go out and do the work to build trust with your clients

There are nearly 15,000 registered financial investment advisors in the United States at this moment. And each one of them is at risk of getting fired by their clients if there’s not enough effort put into building and maintaining client trust.

Building and maintaining trust may seem complex. However, by utilizing the right technology, communicating effectively, seeking and listening to feedback, and employing other business techniques, advisors can establish strong relationships with their clients. The key lies in integrating trust into every aspect of the advisor-client relationship. In the volatile landscape of the financial sector, trust is the ultimate tool for professionals to succeed in client relations.

Building trust is not a one-time task. It requires ongoing dedication, communication, and the effective use of technology. Remember, trust is earned, not given. So, focus on building strong relationships with your clients and watch your business grow.