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  • CE Credit

26 June 2025 | 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM

Do Hedge Funds Work Outside of Hedge Funds?

It's been more than 15 years since the global financial crisis spurred a movement to bring hedge fund strategies to the masses through liquid alternative funds. Liquid alternatives span a wide range of investment types--including global macro, merger arbitrage, and managed futures--that provide a diversifying exposure to traditional market risk factors. Hear from asset managers versed in liquid alternatives on the opportunities, challenges, and limits of translating the complexities of alternatives into a liquid structure and what the future could hold for liquid alternatives.


Managing Member

Andrew Beer

Managing Member
Chief Investment Officer of the Absolute Return Platform

David Ben-Ur

Chief Investment Officer of the Absolute Return Platform
Managing Director, Co-Head Portfolio Solutions Group North America

Peter Hecht

Managing Director, Co-Head Portfolio Solutions Group North America
AQR Capital Management
Associate Director, Multi-Asset & Alternative Strategies, US

Karen Zaya

Associate Director, Multi-Asset & Alternative Strategies, US
Morningstar Research Services LLC