Direct Lens Portfolio Management
Direct Lens is a way to easily create, edit, and analyze portfolios quickly and efficiently in Morningstar Direct. It unifies Morningstar’s powerful portfolio capabilities in a clear and intuitive interface. Institutional investors can spend less time searching for the right tools and more time analyzing the data that matters most.

Unified Portfolio Experience
Direct Lens brings together the portfolio analysis tools you need. Modernize your portfolio analytics by adding both public and private investments in one place for a holistic view. Lens can save you time, money, and resources by eliminating the need for additional technology stacks and data systems.

Easier Holdings Analysis
Quickly assess the impact of your holdings. Direct Lens makes it easier than ever to see the full impact of holdings and positions in your portfolios. You can group holdings to assess market exposure, see how holdings interact with one another, and more.

Portfolio Construction and Optimization

Portfolio Attribution Analysis
The best way to improve your allocations is to truly understand who’s performing well and what that really means for your portfolio. See how your decisions contributed to investment results by combining rigorous methodologies with vivid graphics that clarify conclusions. Direct Lens supports sophisticated analysis at the manager or asset-class level, using a multidecision hierarchy to model the portfolio decision-making process.