Themes ETF Trust

Themes ETF Trust Parent Rating


Despite a short track record as a firm of only seven months, Themes ETF Trust has exhibited a handful of strong qualities, earning it an Average Parent Pillar rating.

The firm currently manages 40 vehicles, with a total of$ 33.7 million under management across a group of three strategy managers. As a new firm, there is very low manager industry experience--on average, less than six months. The firm's earliest portfolio manager hire, Dingxun(kevin) Shao, has only one year of industry experience.

As Themes ETF Trust builds and continues to develop a track record, its rating will be adjusted accordingly.

Themes ETF Trust Investments

Exchange-Traded Funds

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US ETFs ex FoF ex Feeder

Total Net Assets

32.87 Mil

Investment Flows (TTM)

25.53 Mil

# of Share Classes

Morningstar Rating # of Share Classes
Not Rated 17

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