Scharf Investments

Scharf Investments Parent Rating

Above Average

Scharf Investments earns an Above Average Parent Pillar rating because of its ability to stand out in an increasingly competitive industry.

Manager investment is an area of strength for the firm. Over 75% of the firm's assets are covered by a$ 1 million investment, in an effort to align portfolio manager and shareholder interests. Scharf Investments has proven successful at retaining portfolio management talent, and providing continuity for strategies, as displayed by low turnover compared with peers over the past five years. Lofty fees for the firm's open-end and exchange-traded funds are a weakness, contributing negatively to Scharf Investments's rating and creating a larger performance hurdle. The firm's fund fees, on average, fall within the second most-expensive quintile of similarly distributed strategies.

Scharf Investments


US Open-end ex MM ex FoF ex Feeder

Total Net Assets

528.33 Mil

Investment Flows (TTM)

−34.18 Mil

Asset Growth Rate (TTM)


# of Share Classes

Morningstar Rating # of Share Classes
Not Rated 0

Quick Definitions: Key Morningstar Terms

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