Clifford Capital

Clifford Capital Parent Rating

Below Average

Clifford Capital lags peer asset managers in a number of stewardship qualities, resulting in a Below Average Parent Pillar rating.

The firm has a poor risk-adjusted performance record. Across all open-end and exchange-traded funds, the firm’s average overall Morningstar Rating is 1.7 stars. Clifford Capital fails to showcase longevity across its product shelf, as evidenced by its five-year success ratio. Over this time period, only 0% of its roster has been able to both survive and beat its respective category median. A low success ratio indicates poor performance and raises questions about a firm’s discipline around investment strategy and product development. The firm charges fees on its open-end and exchange-traded funds that are on par with category peers. On average, fees on its funds are within the middle quintile, giving it neither an advantage nor disadvantage compared with the competition.

Clifford Capital Investments


US Open-end ex MM ex FoF ex Feeder

Total Net Assets

136.66 Mil

Investment Flows (TTM)

−11.18 Mil

Asset Growth Rate (TTM)


# of Share Classes


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